health blog
Doctors who don’t give up. Let us help you find your solution.
I chose to become a doctor because I remember what it was like to be cared for when I was sick. When I was four years old, I was...
What You Need to Know About Telemedicine at PXHMC
Telemedicine is now available to New and Current patients of The Phoenix Men’s Health Center. Phone consultation aka Telemedicine is a great way to provide you flexibility during this...
Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Treatments. Use your own body cells.
The rotator cuff is one of the most common places to injure your shoulder. Because we’re always moving our arm up, driving, throwing a baseball, shooting a hoop, stretching,...
IV – Vitamin C for Your Protection!
Vitamin C can be a powerful tool to help build your immune system, protect you from getting viral infections (colds & flu), and provides your immune system ammunition to...
Free Immune Consultations
Both peptide and supplements can help improve our immune system and provide well needed protection at this time. Peptides for Immune Antiviral Support Basic Peptide Package which is the Thymosin Alpha Peptide. This...
Protect yourself and your family from Corona Virus
We are here to help you if you have any questions about the recent CoronaVirus news. Below are some common questions and answers that we hope will help ease...
Anti-viral Immune Building Medications & Body Support to Protect Yourself
We wanted to have all our patients informed about what steps to take with the Corona Virus. Remember that washing your hands and staying away from public events is...
After 40: Better sex, healthy joints, more energy. Sound good?
The aging process is not fun. I turned 41 this year, and I’ll admit that I ignored turning 40 last year. But just ignoring your birthday or your age,...
Depression Alternative Treatments
So, say you go to your physician, and you say, “Doc, I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t feel like doing anything; I’m always tired; I have no sex...
Priapus Shot®: Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Priapus Shot? The Priapus Shot, or P-shot, is a revolutionary procedure in regenerative medicine that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to restore healthy tissue and optimize functioning...
Amniotic Allograft Treatments: Frequently Asked Questions
What is Amniotic Allograft? Amniotic allograft is a treatment that can be applied in the same way as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments. Amniotic fluid is consentually obtained during a...
Why Bio-Identical Hormones?
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)? Why are bio-identical hormones so important? Hormone replacement therapy has been in the news a lot in the past and many still have an...
Getting Smart About Your Weight Loss
Old Way of Losing Weight Not Working Any Longer???? So you decided to lose weight and have changed your diet, started exercising more, and made some lifestyle changes. These...
Anti-Aging and Your Health
Anti-Aging Today more than ever, we are able to not only live great lives, but we are now able to slow down the aging process. The old methods of...
Testosterone: Key to your vitality
There are many types of testosterone on the market, choosing the proper testosterone is important. It is important when we discuss testosterone that we are clear on what type...
50 is the new 30
I can guarantee when you surround yourself with health-conscious and likeminded people, you will be successful in improving your health. You don’t have to take my word for it....
Let’s Bust Some Myths
One of the most frustrating parts of the health and fitness industry is how many myths are out there. These myths make people believe they can easily lose weight,...
Secrets to Your Success
I bet you already know that goal setting is a key to success. Setting a goal gives you a roadmap. Think about going through an unfamiliar city with no...
Your solution, Phoenix Men’s Health Center.
Dr. Le Provost knew there had to be a better way when he started Phoenix Men’s Health Center. He saw the health care system starting to fail its patients...