Bio-Identical or “Natural Hormones” are created in speciality compounding pharmacies to exactly match your body’s natural hormone structure and production. Bio-identical hormones are designed to be an exact match, essentially the same as the hormones naturally produced in your body. Bio-Identical hormones are safe, effective, high quality and low cost.
Synthetic hormones are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies to mimic natural hormone benefits, but the molecular structure of synthetic hormones is altered so that they can be patented, and given a brand name. This provides the pharmaceutical companies a unique drug that allows for specific control of sales and marketing. This usually comes with increased cost and side effects.
Bio-Identical or “Natural Hormones” are created in speciality compounding pharmacies to exactly match your body’s natural hormone structure and production. Bio-identical hormones are designed to be an exact match, essentially the same as the hormones naturally produced in your body. Bio-Identical hormones are safe, effective, high quality and low cost.
Synthetic hormones are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies to mimic natural hormone benefits, but the molecular structure of synthetic hormones is altered so that they can be patented, and given a brand name. This provides the pharmaceutical companies a unique drug that allows for specific control of sales and marketing. This usually comes with increased cost and side effects.

“Synthetic Oral testosterone raises cholesterol and lowers HDL levels. Don’t confuse synthetic hormones with Bio-identical testosterone, which lowers cholesterol and raises HDL.” Archives of Family Medicine; 1999; Vol.8:252-263

“Bioidentical hormones that are approved by the FDA may be preferred over standard hormone replacement because of their physiologic benefits and safety profile.” J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2011 Mar;111(3):153-64.

“Testosterone lowers fat, improves body composition, protects agains diabetes and heart disease.” International Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders 1992 Dec;16(12):991-7

“Loss of testosterone causes loss of libido, energy, strength, sexual function, memory, cognition, muscle and bone. Testosterone replacement therapy, as far as quality of life is concerned, is tremendous.” Medical Crossfire 2001 Jan;Vol.3 No.1:17-18

“Administration of compounded transdermal bioidentical hormone therapy in doses targeted to physiologic reference ranges administered in a daily dose significantly relieved menopausal symptoms in peri/postmenopausal women. Cardiovascular biomarkers, inflammatory factors, immune signaling factors, and health outcomes were favorably impacted, despite very high life stress, and home and work strain in study subjects. The therapy did not adversely alter the net prothrombotic potential, and there were no associated adverse events. This model of care warrants consideration as an effective and safe clinical therapy for peri/postmenopausal women especially in populations with high perceived stress and a history of stressful life events prior to, or during the menopausal transition.” Int J Pharm Compd. 2013 Jan-Feb;17(1):74-85