Sterilize Your Testosterone Myths

One question we frequently get asked at Phoenix Men’s Health Center is, “Is testosterone therapy going to make me sterile?” The short answer is no, not technically. Testosterone therapy is not going to make you sterile. However, it may affect and lower your fertility. The reason lies in the relationship between hypothalamus/pituitary glands and the […]

Does Libido Equal Love?

Libido, or sexual desire, can be affected by multiple variables. If you have low libido, it can affect not only your sexual satisfaction and frequency of sex, but it may also have a substantial impact on your relationship satisfaction with your partner. Having healthy levels of libido leading to an active and satisfying sex life […]

10 Ways to Say Goodbye to Erectile Dysfunction

erectile dysfunction

As Valentine’s day is coming up, you may be planning for a special night with your special someone. As always, Phoenix Men’s Health Center is here to help you—especially if you are having problems in the bedroom. Erectile dysfunction is the elephant in the room that individuals feel embarrassed to talk about. Many men turn […]

Your 2 Week Detox Plan

Throughout our daily lives, we are constantly exposed to or putting in toxins into our body. Our environmental exposure includes pollutants and synthetic chemicals that are in the air, water, foods, and more. Toxins include free radicals, which are neutralized by antioxidants.1 In the US alone, about 2000 new chemicals are introduced each year into […]

5 Ways to Keep the Holiday Belly at Bay

Holiday season is upon us – follow these tips to keep your weight off this season! Holiday season is here! You may be thinking “Uh oh, it’s that time of the year to gain weight…” Have no fear for the holiday weight gain this year! Phoenix Men’s Health Center is here to offer tips that […]

Using Your Own Cells to Repair Your Body – PRP & Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy Prolotherapy is a regenerative proliferation therapy that involves injecting an osmotic solution containing dextrose, nutrients, and lidocaine to stimulate natural healing. This injection generates an osmotic signal around the injection sites, which induces the healing cascade to begin (local inflammation is the beginning of the healing process) and signals the body to regenerate tissue. […]

Holiday Thank you & Special Offers

Happy Thanksgiving and happy holidays! We wanted to express our sincere gratitude for allowing us to attend to your health needs. Taking care of one’s health is a huge responsibility and we are honored that you are allowing us to partake in being a partner at caring for your health. We treasure the relationship we build with […]

How to NOT Fall Victim to Colds & Flus This Winter

It’s that time of the year! Cold and flu season has returned. Most flu cases occur between November and February and colds also peak during winter months. You may be noticing a sniff or two or a more serious case coming on. Adults get about 2-5 common colds every year and children can have 7-10 […]

Did You Drink Your Banana Bag Today?

iv, nutrient iv, banana bag

If you are a fan of Grey’s Anatomy, you may remember the time Meredith Grey had a bad hangover and tried to insert a “banana bag” into her vein to help with her hangover. The popular term “banana bag” refers to intravenous nutrient therapy (also referred to as modified Myers’ cocktail)). IV nutrient therapy was […]

How to Find Cancer in 3 Weeks


1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are going to get diagnosed with some form of cancer within their lifetime.1 Imagine walking into a traditional doctor’s office. Although you are not diagnosed with cancer, you are worried about the possibility of getting cancer. Maybe your mother had cancer and you want to be […]