Don’t Dread the Veggies

Don't Dread the Veggies

We know this is not the first or the last time you’ve heard this phrase: you should eat more vegetables. Even if you’ve already sighed and started to look away, we urge you to give us just five minutes of your time to skim this article. Why does the phrase “more vegetables” immediately make you […]

3 Keys to Choosing Your Next Protein Bar

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If you have been to the grocery store lately, the protein bar section has grown into a full aisle in most stores. The selection of brands and flavors seem to be ever growing. Phoenix Men’s Health Center patients often ask us this question: what do you think is the best protein bar? Given the number […]

Stop Letting Your Pain Get You Down

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Are you suffering from daily pain that won’t go away? Does your joints or muscles keep hurting? Do you take pain meds every day to keep your mind off of pain? If you have chronic joint or muscle pain, Phoenix Men’s Health Center may have a lasting solution for you. Since last year, we have been […]

Libido and Energy, and Blood Sugar, Oh My!

Old age comes with a couple of not-so-pleasant caveats. You start losing energy. Your sexual life declines. You feel down, depressed, and your beer belly seems more pronounced than before. Diabetes is a concern and your friends and family ask if you are going through your mid-life crisis. If any of the above sounds familiar, […]

Say Goodbye to Your Joint and Muscle Pain

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Do you have joint or muscle pain? You’re not alone. An estimated 13 – 47% of U.S. population are affected by musculoskeletal pain.1 Not only is this extremely common, chronic musculoskeletal pain can also be debilitating to your quality of life and notoriously hard to resolve. If you or a loved one currently suffer from […]

5 Medically Assisted Ways to Jumpstart Antiaging

antiaging, phoenix anti-aging, men's anti-aging

1. Hormone Balancing Guess what, guys? Optimal level of testosterone not only increases your energy, improves mood, protects against heart disease, improves sexual function, helps lose that stubborn belly fat, but also correlates to a longer life!1, 2 Given that cardiovascular disease stands as the leading cause of death for men and women in the […]

5 Natural Ways to Jumpstart Your Anti-Aging Process

anti-aging, sleep, moisturizer, skin care

Why do humans age? This question has perplexed scientists for decades. What can we do to reverse some of the effects of aging? Though we are not currently aware of a complete reversal for aging and its effects, certain proactive measures can drastically improve your quality of life and decrease your risk for early mortality. […]

Sterilize Your Testosterone Myths

One question we frequently get asked at Phoenix Men’s Health Center is, “Is testosterone therapy going to make me sterile?” The short answer is no, not technically. Testosterone therapy is not going to make you sterile. However, it may affect and lower your fertility. The reason lies in the relationship between hypothalamus/pituitary glands and the […]

Does Libido Equal Love?

Libido, or sexual desire, can be affected by multiple variables. If you have low libido, it can affect not only your sexual satisfaction and frequency of sex, but it may also have a substantial impact on your relationship satisfaction with your partner. Having healthy levels of libido leading to an active and satisfying sex life […]

10 Ways to Say Goodbye to Erectile Dysfunction

erectile dysfunction

As Valentine’s day is coming up, you may be planning for a special night with your special someone. As always, Phoenix Men’s Health Center is here to help you—especially if you are having problems in the bedroom. Erectile dysfunction is the elephant in the room that individuals feel embarrassed to talk about. Many men turn […]