The Phoenix Men’s Health Center is proud to offer Testosterone Testing and evaluation.

Testosterone testing is one of many important tests many men should consider this year. If you are a male after the age of thirty and you are experiencing symptoms of:

It’s important to see your men’s health specialist to find what the underline cause may be attributing to the symptoms.

When you see your doctor be sure that your blood work is comprehensive:

Testosterone Total and Free need to be tested together to ensure proper evaluation of testosterone levels!

Many, many, men have been misdiagnosed because Testosterone Total and Free levels where not both tested at the same time.

Once your true levels are assessed the following should all be taken into consideration when evaluating a proper treatment plan.

Yes, all of the previously listed evaluation markers can and do affect your testosterone levels. In addition to other possible causes such as

This is why it is important to see a doctor who specializes in men’s health, testosterone, and the understanding of how all these potential factors may be affecting your health.

Testosterone supplementation can be very helpful, but not always the solution. If the causes of low testosterone are not addressed, then you may be missing some serious health issue to follow. Thus, your testosterone levels are both a good indications of your current health, as well as a flag for other potential problems with your body and health.

Be mindful of where you stand. It can make a big difference in you life today, and your health future.

Dr. Le Provost is proud to offer comprehensive testosterone testing and treatment solutions. Your entire health will be taken into consideration, with your best interest in mind. Start your new year off right. Start by seeing your men’s health specialist, Dr. Le Provost at Phoenix Men’s Health Center.

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