5 Medically Assisted Ways to Jumpstart Antiaging
1. Hormone Balancing Guess what, guys? Optimal level of testosterone not only increases your energy, improves mood, protects against heart disease, improves sexual function, helps lose that stubborn belly fat, but also correlates to a longer life!1, 2 Given that cardiovascular disease stands as the leading cause of death for men and women in the […]
5 Ways to Keep the Holiday Belly at Bay
Holiday season is upon us – follow these tips to keep your weight off this season! Holiday season is here! You may be thinking “Uh oh, it’s that time of the year to gain weight…” Have no fear for the holiday weight gain this year! Phoenix Men’s Health Center is here to offer tips that […]
Your first step to start your weight loss goal this year.
Here we are again, a new year, and new health goals. Often times we get the advice to see our doctors before we start a weight loss program, and this is sage advice. So arm yourself with the following guidelines to make your visit a little more worthwhile for your weight loss goals. Request from […]