Let’s Bring the Receding Hairline Forward

Let’s Bring the Receding Hairline Forward with Vampire Hairlift

You’ve been scratching that balding spot on your head for a while now. Maybe you feel self-conscious, or your friends and family point it out occasionally as a joke. You’ve heard people talk about hair implant procedures or hair-growth pills but neither of them sound particularly enticing. What if natural hair growth was possible and […]

5 Medically Assisted Ways to Jumpstart Antiaging

antiaging, phoenix anti-aging, men's anti-aging

1. Hormone Balancing Guess what, guys? Optimal level of testosterone not only increases your energy, improves mood, protects against heart disease, improves sexual function, helps lose that stubborn belly fat, but also correlates to a longer life!1, 2 Given that cardiovascular disease stands as the leading cause of death for men and women in the […]